How to Support Your Loved One’s Addiction Recovery
Encouragement from family members and close friends is one of the primary factors that make many addicts decide to finally seek treatment. Whether your loved one is struggling with alcoholism or addiction to opiates or other drugs, it’s important that support them throughout the treatment process.
Speaking to a Loved One About Their Substance Abuse Problem
If you think a loved one has a problem with alcohol or drugs, express your concerns without passing judgment. Avoid bring religion or philosophy into the discussion. Instead, talk to your loved one about how his or her addiction hurts you and others they care about.
If you choose to stage an intervention, make sure you have plans in place to transport the addict directly to a rehab facility if he or she agrees to treatment. You may want to involve a professional interventionist, or call our St. Petersburg opiate addiction treatment facility for advice on staging an intervention and getting your loved one into a rehab center.
Once Your Loved One Is in Treatment
Once your loved one has entered treatment, comply with the rules of his or her program. Your loved one may not be allowed any contact with family members or friends outside of a residential facility. However, many residential facilities strive to get families involved in the recovery process. Attend family counseling sessions and educational meetings whenever possible.
Educate yourself about St. Petersburg opiate addiction and recovery while your loved one is in treatment. You’ll learn more about what your loved one is going through and what you can expect once their St. Petersburg opiate addiction treatment ends. You’ll also find out how to best support your loved one in the vulnerable weeks and months of early recovery, when the risk of relapse is highest.
Your loved one’s addiction will have affected your entire family’s dynamic. It may be beneficial for your family to seek group and individual therapy separately from the addict to heal from the damage done by addiction.
Twelve-step meetings are beneficial for recovering addicts, but these meetings exist for the benefit of loved ones, too. Attending Al-Anon or Nar-Anon meetings can help you get support from others who understand what you’re going through, so your entire family can recover together.
Contact Us
If you or a loved one needs help with their drug addiction, please call Recovery Resources of Florida at 855-443-0213 or fill out our contact form.